Recommend hotels below for those arriving
Friday Sep 20th Rooms will be at standard rates.
- Hyatt Regency
2-Albany St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 [732-873-1234; website for reservations] - Heldrich Hotel
10-Livingston Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 [732-729-4670; website for reservations] - Hilton Hotel
3-Tower Center Blvd, East Brunswick, NJ 08816 [732-828-2000; website for reservations]
Recommended parking locations are below for attendees,
under the direction of MZNB’s Parking Team
- MZNB Lots – Upper/Lower lots and Neilson St. beside the Church will be reserved for Bishop, Supervisor, and Guests
- ALFC Lot – Reserved for buses, vans, and attendees, i.e., PENDING APPROVAL, free lot across the street from MZNB
- Chandler Lot – General (free) Attendee Parking, i.e., 32-free slots on Morris St., about 1/2 block from MZNB
- City Deck – General (pay) Attendee Parking, i.e., over 800-slots located @70 New St, about 1-block from MZNB
- Street – General (pay) Attendee Parking on Morris St., Nielsen St. (also across New St, across from the Quincy Apartments)